Post-Brexit UK and EU action to deliver long-term climate objectives

Video recording of the event of 30 September, 2021


The Roundtable debate moderated by Tim Rayner was a part of the GOVTRAN final event series. The speakers were Antony Froggatt, Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director, Environment and Society Programme, Chatham House, Sarah Williams, Head of Greener UK unit, Green Alliance, Peter Vis, Senior Advisor, Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Consulting, and Lisa Fischer, Programme Leader, E3G. The event was conducted in a semi-structured way: rather than the speakers providing presentations, the event was cleverly curated by the moderator organising a guided question answer session, allowing for a much deeper discussion and exchanges of views. The speakers provided insight into the climate relevant parts of the Brexit negotiations, looked at the current situation within as well as between the UK and EU, and speculated on the future of the relationship between UK and EU as well as their roles as climate leaders at the global stage.

On the event

Despite the acrimony surrounding the UK’s departure from the EU, climate policy remains a significant area where continuing common interests are acknowledged by both sides. As holders of the Presidency for COP 26 in Glasgow, the UK Government needs to work with partners with similarly ambitious climate goals to build momentum towards a successful outcome. Both the UK and the EU need to demonstrate climate leadership in terms of domestic example setting and external diplomatic effort. This Roundtable examines the dynamics at work between the two sides as they affect both the ability to develop and implement ambitious mitigation policies in their own jurisdictions, and internationally in the run up to, and beyond, COP 26.


  • Antony Froggatt, Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director, Environment and Society Programme, Chatham House
  • Sarah Williams, Head of Greener UK unit, Green Alliance
  • Peter Vis, Senior Advisor, Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Consulting
  • Lisa Fischer, Programme Leader, E3G
  • Moderator: Tim Rayner, Research Fellow, School of Environmental Sciences, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Eastern Anglia

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