Hydrocarbon exporters and the EU’s decarbonization plans: what coping strategies?
Video recording of the event
About the event:
For a long time, the decarbonisation targets and policies of the EU have been seen as good news for natural gas. However, the introduction of increasingly stringent long-term emissions reduction targets are calling into question the medium-to-long term prospects of such a commodity in Europe, as gas demand is foreseen to stabilise in the EU-27 over the coming decade, to fall abruptly as of 2030. Such a dynamic is likely to affect several natural gas exporters in the EU’s neighbourhood. For these countries, the energy relations with the EU are important on economic, political, social and ideational grounds. The effect of decarbonisation on a key export good entails a significant change in an important aspect in these countries’ bilateral relations with the EU. How does the future look for these countries’ resources as their main customer accelerates its decarbonisation plans? Is Europe’s energy transition likely to trigger a re-orientation in the hydrocarbon exporters’ foreign policy and commercial strategies? And what does this mean for the EU’s energy and climate diplomacy in its Eastern and Southern neighbourhood?
If you missed our event on 4 March, you can watch the recording here:
- Welcome and Introductory remarks, Marco Giuli, Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Moderator)
- The European Green Deal and its international dimension, Tudor Constantinescu, Principal Advisor, DG Energy, European Commission,
- Hydrocarbon exporters and the EU climate plans, Mostefa Ouki, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Olga Khrushcheva, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University & Ole Gunnar Austvik, Professor of Political Economy, Norway University of Applied Sciences
- Q&A
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