The GOVTRAN project will be organising two panels at the UACES 49th annual conference, held at the University of Lisbon, on 1-4 September 2019.


The first panel (number P807): Governing the EU’s Climate and Energy Transition in Times of Turbulence I – EU Climate Governance to 2030 and Beyond, includes three paper presentations. The panel will address climate change as a key area of EU policymaking that has developed over the past three decades in close connection with international climate politics, and within the broader internal and external economic and political contexts. The presenters will discuss fresh and ongoing research analysing the shape, process and output of the EU’s climate and energy policy framework to 2030, focusing on leadership, ambition, and internal policy negotiations, as they developed within a turbulent governance context.

The second panel (number P908): Governing the EU’s Climate and Energy Transition in Times of Turbulence II – Innovations in EU Energy Policy, includes four paper presentations. The panel will discuss fresh and ongoing research analysing the shape, process and output of the EU’s climate and energy policy framework to 2030, focusing in particular on how targets were negotiated, on (Europeanisation processes of) national renewable energy policies, on the role of cities and communities in implementing energy policies, and on the interactions between energy market integration and security of supply concerns. The papers highlight the responses within the EU to the turbulent governance challenge, contributing to knowledge on European Studies, but also emphasise the remaining barriers both internally and externally to the EU that need to be overcome for coherent energy policy.


Don’t miss our panels if you are attending the conference!


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