The second GOVTRAN International workshop was held at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome on 30 September – 1 October 2019 under the overarching theme ‘Climate and Energy Governance and the Future of Europe’.

Seventeen researchers from across Europe presented twelve draft papers examining how various   aspects of EU climate and energy policy interact with some of the underlying causes of the current crisis of European integration. Topics included, inter alia, the impact of rising populism, the role of Central and Eastern European Member States, the effectiveness of EU policies to promote renewable energy, the role of the European Parliament and of the Commission, and changes in EU international climate and energy governance.

Luca de Carli, Head of Unit ‘Legal Affairs, Inter-Institutional Relations and Communications’ at the European Commission’s DG CLIMA gave a keynote speech on the future of EU climate and energy governance. Discussants Frederica Fricano, Director of the European and International Affairs division of the Italian Ministry of Environment, and GOVTRAN’s Andy Jordan reacted to the keynote and introduced a lively debate.

Once finalized, a selection of the papers presented and discussed at the workshop will be published as a GOVTRAN edited special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy.






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