Politics and Governance Special Issue: Climate Governance and the European Green Deal in Turbulent Times

Politics and Governance, Volume 9, Issue 3, September 2021
Edited by: Claire Dupont and Diarmuid Torney


A new GOVTRAN supported Open Access Special Issue exploring climate governance in turbulent times, the European Green Deal and the EU’s climate transition. Edited by GOVTRAN members Claire Dupont and Diarmuid Torney.


Table of contents

Editorial: European Union Climate Governance and the European Green Deal in Turbulent Times
Claire Dupont and Diarmuid Torney

Driving the European Green Deal in Turbulent Times
Mary Dobbs, Viviane Gravey and Ludivine Petetin

Coping with Turbulence: EU Negotiations on the 2030 and 2050 Targets
Marco Siddi

EU Climate and Energy Policy: How Myopic is it?
Jana Gheuens and Sebastian Oberthür

The European Council, the Council, and the European Green Deal
Jeffrey Rosamond and Claire Dupont

Energy Security in Turbulent Times Towards the European Green Deal
Odysseas Christou

The European Green Deal: What Prospects for Governing Climate Change with Policy Monitoring?
Jonas J. Schoenefeld

Deliberative Mini-Publics and the European Green Deal in Turbulent Times: The Irish and French Climate Assemblies
Diarmuid Torney

Polish Climate Policy Narratives: Uniqueness, Alternative Pathways, and Nascent Polarisation
Katja Biedenkopf

A Nice Tailwind: The EU’s Goal Achievement and the IMO Initial Strategy
Joseph Earsom and Tom Delreux


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