Environmental Policy in the EU Actors, Institutions and Processes

Edited By Andrew Jordan, Viviane Gravey


Book Description by the publisher: 

“Comprising five parts, Environmental Policy in the EU covers the rapidly changing context in which EU environmental policies are made, the key actors who interact to co-produce them and the most salient dynamics of policy making, ranging from agenda setting and decision making, through to implementation and evaluation. Written by leading international experts, individual chapters examine how the EU is responding to a multitude of different challenges, including biodiversity loss, climate change, energy insecurity, and water and air pollution. They tease out the different ways in which the EU’s policies on these topics co-evolve with national and international environmental policies.”

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The GOVTRAN project sponsored the open access of two chapters in the book:

19. New policy dynamics in more uncertain times?
Viviane Gravey and Andrew Jordan

20. EU environmental policy at 50: retrospect and prospect
Andrew jordan, Viviane gravey and Camilla Adelle


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