Panel proposal for UACES conference 2019
Governing the EU’s climate and energy transition in times of turbulence

Key dates:

  • Deadline for abstracts: 11 January 2019
  • Panel submission: 20 January 2019
  • Decision communicated by UACES: March 2019
  • Conference dates: 1-4 September 2019

As part of the Jean Monnet network on Governing the EU’s Climate and Energy Transition in Turbulent Times (GOVTRAN), we are putting together one or several panel proposals for the Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) conference, to be held in Lisbon from 1-4 September 2019. The panel(s) aim(s) to discuss fresh and ongoing research analysing the shape, process and output of the EU’s climate and energy policy framework to 2030 and/or the interconnections between the EU’s climate and energy governance and debates about the future of Europe.

We invite proposals from a range of disciplines interested in the following topics:

  • Assessing the EU’s 2030 climate and energy framework: papers that assess a specific aspect of the 2030 framework (e.g. the Governance Regulation, Emissions Trading System, Renewable Energy Directive etc.) or that analyse the political process leading to or following the adoption of the package of measures under the 2030 framework are welcome. Initial assessments of the (potential) implementation of the package will also be well received.
  • EU climate and energy governance and the future of Europe: papers that address key aspects of the EU’s climate and energy transition as related to the broader debates about the future of Europe are welcome. Papers could link to policy-specific debates on climate and energy governance, and to (theoretical work on) broader contemporary aspects of and challenges in European integration processes.

Please send a 250 word abstract to by 11 January 2019. You will be informed by 17 January if your paper has been selected for submission as part of the panel proposal. The most suitable abstracts will be selected for submission to the UACES conference by 20 January.

This call for papers forms part of the Jean Monnet Network ‘Governing the EU’s Climate and Energy Transition in Turbulent Times’ (GOVTRAN), pursued with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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