Open guest lecture at the University of Ghent: A green deal for Europe: Leading the transition to a low-carbon, circular economy?

Lecture by Professor Hans Bruyninckx


When: 15-10-2019 from 09:00 to 10:15

Where: 51. auditorium M, Rozier 44, 9000 Ghent

Language: English

Organizer: Prof. dr. Claire Dupont





Transitioning to a sustainable society requires urgent and integrated action across all actors and sectors of government and society. Prof. Hans Bruyninckx will delve deeply into the role that Europe can play in leading the world in transitioning to sustainability. He will discuss what it means to agree on a Green Deal for Europe. Is

such a deal feasible? Will the deal help Europe transition to a low-carbon, circular economy quickly enough? How can such a transition take place in a fair manner?

What gaps in research, knowledge, innovation and policy implementation remain?

Since 2013, Prof. Bruyninckx has been the Executive Director of the European Environment Agency, based in Copenhagen, Denmark. In this role, he guides the Agency in the fulfilment of its mission to provide sound, independent information on the environment and to support sustainable development in Europe. Previously, he worked as Professor of International and European Environmental Politics at KULeuven.


The lecture is open and free, but registration is required:


The lecture will be followed by a research seminar with prof. Bruyninckx on ‘Key Research Questions in the Transition to Sustainability’

When: 15-10-2019 from 10:30 to 11:30

Where: Faculteitsraadzaal (Faculty Board Room), campus Tweekerken, building Tweekerken, 2nd floor, Tweekerkenstraat 2, 9000 Ghent

Language: English

The seminar is open and free, but registration is required as places are limited. More information here

Please contact with any questions or comments.

Both events are organised in collaboration with GOVTRAN.


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Campus Boekentoren, building Rozier, auditorium M, Rozier 44, 9000 Ghent


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