Welcome to the first episode of a govtran ‘coffee-break’ interview podcast mini-series. The podcasts of this mini-series were recorded during the GOVTRAN workshop on ‘Appraising the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework’ held at the Erik Castrén Institute, Helsinki, on 8-9 July 2019.
In the first episode, Dr. Diarmuid Torney, assistant professor in Dublin City University, Ireland, discusses whether and to what extent the EU’s 2030 framework is aligned to the Paris Agreement, what steps the EU can take to signal its climate leadership at the international level as well as to step up its ambition and, finally, a number of recent recommendations and declarations made by the Irish government creating new momentum on the climate change issue in Ireland.
Listen to the full podcast interview here
Interview by Bradlie Martz-Sigala, University of Eastern Finland.
Keep an eye on our website, we will be publishing the next episodes of the mini-series in the coming weeks.
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