Looking for information on energy transitions and energy policies? We have recently discovered two sources that we want to share with you:
Flex4RES is a Nordic/Baltic research project on Energy system flexibility. In addition to their research publications, they have just started producing podcasts. As they put it “Through the new podcast, Energy Policycast, you will be able to hear Flex4RES researchers explain their recent research in a geeky and informal way.” Take a look at the first podcasts here
Leonardo Energy is not a new initiative. It was set up in 2004 as a platform to connect energy technologies, policies and markets on a global scale. The aim is to assist in accelerating the energy transition. The network has an array of resources and organises frequent webinars on diverse subjects relating to all things energy related. See here past and upcoming ones.
Do you know of a great information source on energy? Send an email to govtran at govtran.eu and let us know so we can add it to this list.
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