27 September, 16.00-17.30 CET
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The next decades will be characterised by increased turbulence and transformational change, in terms of physical climate impacts, but also in terms of the (EU) policies and institutions developed to address them. As expressed in its revamped climate Adaptation Strategy (Feb 2021), and a related Horizon Europe programme Mission, the Commission now recognises the critical importance of ‘transformation’ towards a ‘climate resilient’, as well as climate neutral, EU. But what are the implications for (EU) policies, policy processes and institutions as currently configured? How might they need to evolve to underpin their legitimacy and navigate the demands of a more transformational future, and what obstacles might need to be overcome? Can climate resilience and climate neutrality be delivered simultaneously, or must there be trade-offs?


  • Elena Višnar Malinovská, Head of Unit, Adaptation, DG Clima, European Commission
  • Kirsten Dunlop, Chief Executive Officer, EIT Climate KIC
  • Thomas Koetz, Policy Officer, Mission on Climate Change Adaptation Including Societal Transformation, European Commission
  • Robbert Biesbroek, Associate Professor at the Public Administration and Policy group at Wageningen University, IPCC Coordinating Lead Author
  • Moderator: Tim Rayner, Research Fellow, School of Environmental Sciences, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Eastern Anglia


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A ‘climate-resilient’ Europe by 2050: what implications for politics and policy?



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