University of East Anglia
The School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia is one of the longest established, largest, and most accomplished interdisciplinary environmental science schools in Europe. It is widely known throughout the world for its uniquely holistic and interdisciplinary approach to research, integrating physical, chemical, biological, and social sciences to understand better the interaction between natural and human environmental systems. It houses international centres of excellence such as the Centre for Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences; the Climatic Research Unit (CRU); the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change; and CSERGE – the Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment. The outcomes of interdisciplinary collaborations between themes and centres are widely recognised in the international community. In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework exercise conducted by the UK government, 35% of research was judged to be world leading (4*), while 53% was rated as internationally excellent (3*). The policy and societal impact generated by this research was ranked first in the UK. The School has a long tradition of working in EU Framework Programmes (including H2020) on climate-related research projects, including the coordination of the FP6 ADAM project.
Andy Jordan
Andy Jordan is fascinated by the politics that emerge when attempts are made to govern environmental problems using the tools and methods of public policy, particularly in the context of the European Union and its Member States. He has examined how these different forms of politics have played out in relation to different aspects of governing including the use of new policy instruments, policy coordination across sectors, policy innovation and policy dismantling. His many papers and books related to climate change and sustainable development include Dismantling Public Policy (Oxford University Press, 2012), The Tools of Policy Formulation (Edward Elgar, 2015, with John Turnpenny) and the third edition of EU Environmental Policy (Earthscan, 2012, with Camilla Adelle). His research currently focuses on two main topics: Brexit and the Environment, where he co-leads an award-winning ESRC-funded academic network seeking to understand the challenges and opportunities raised for environmental policy and governance; and post-Paris climate governance, where he has chaired COST Action IS1309 (Innovations in Climate Governance – INOGOV, 2014-2018), a 28 country network of excellence. He currently sits on the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency (2016-2020) and the Advisory Group of the NERC Environmental Evidence for the Future Initiative (2017-8). In 2008, Andy was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS) and in 2017 was identified as a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher, one of only 180 social scientists in the world. More.
Tim Rayner
Tim Rayner pursues research interests focusing on climate and energy policy and politics, especially in the context of the European Union and the UK, and maintains long-standing interests in the role of science advice, policy appraisal and evaluation in related policy processes. Since 2006, he has been involved in several projects (both EU- and national research council-funded). Most recently, since December 2016, he has been Principal Investigator on the COP 21-RIPPLES (Results, Implications, Pathways and Policies for Low-Emissions European Societies) project, working to assess the adequacy of post-Paris global climate governance, and the EU’s role therein. Through the UK NERC-funded FAB-GGR project, Tim is currently addressing issues related to the political feasibility and social acceptability of negative emissions technology. He has also served as UK partner in the Norwegian Research Council-funded REMIX project (Revising the National Renewables Policy Mix: the Role of State Aid and other EU policies). From 2010 to 2013, he was a work package leader on the RESPONSES project (European responses to climate change: deep emissions reductions and mainstreaming of mitigation and adaptation). In Andy Jordan’s ESRCBrexit and the Environment research project, Tim contributed analysis on climate policy implications of the UK leaving the EU. More.